Sunday, April 3, 2016

Growth Mindset: Taking Time Out For Myself

As the ending of the semester approaches I find myself expressing impatience and tiredness. I often find myself isolating from others and losing sleep due to me having to complete multiple projects at the same time.  I always spread myself thin during the end of every semester.  This semester I am taking nine hours of Hebrew and it is killing me; in addition to my capstone class.  I thought about calling it quits and just redoing this semester again some other time, but it is not an option.  I have been put off finishing school for so long.  I remember doing a post a few weeks back about finding balance within my life. 

I am failing terribly at this. I don’t take time out for myself to sit back and reflect.  I used to meditate and write, and I miss this so much! So I am considering on jumping on the yoga train.  Taking time out to relax is so important, and I feel the toll that it’s taking on me and my attitude especially. 

A few of my friends actively participate in yoga, and I'm going to try it out. This option is better in comparison to me sitting at home feeling stressed.  


  1. Yoga is a great idea! I have found meditating to be a great way to settle down my mind. I just find a quiet place and try to erase every stressful thought that comes to mind. My favorite thing to do is picture myself writing all my problems on a board then picture myself erasing all of it. Maybe it's the focusing or maybe it's the movement of my eyes, but this always seems to work for me.
    It is super silly, but it works for me.

    I hope that you are able to soon find what works best for you!

  2. Hello again, Dijoun!

    I loved your benefits of yoga chart! While I hadn’t ever thought of this as being connected to growth mindset, I can totally see where you are going with that. I love working out, but yoga has never been a part of my routine. I definitely intend to take some classes this summer! I think it would really help in keeping me relaxed!
