Wednesday, January 20, 2016

My Favorite Place

I don't have a favorite place or any favorite thing. In fact, those who know me consider me to be the odd one because of this; however, I will share with you one of my cherished memories and why.

In Kansas City, there is an amusement park called Worlds of Fun.  I have not been there is over twenty-two years, but I remember the games, and the rides that I rode.  I remember the people who I was surrounded by and the feelings that I felt.  It was the first time I had went to this place, and I was excited to be there with my family.  If you have ever been to Frontier City in Oklahoma, it resembles that amusement park a bit.

This was a family trip like no other.  It was not made up of just parents and siblings.  This trip included the whole EXTENDED family, and I just happened to be the youngest of them all.  I was the brat, without the bratty behavior, but was babied because I was the youngest of my cousins.  I was able to stay up late with the big kids, eat what I want, and have first pick at everything. Throughout the whole excursion, what I remembered most was the water rides that I was able to take part in, and the family photo that we all took at the end of the trip.

What makes this experience and memory favorable, is that it was the last time that I was able to see  and spend time with my family as a whole.  As time passed, things that were once not important became important and the issues that were important became lost.  I have found that with age we loose the importance of the simple things; such as, quality time, leisure, and happiness.  Without these things life becomes tense and overwhelming.  Sometimes, we do have to take time to smell the roses, and play in the rain.

Beautiful Rain Pics


  1. What a beautiful childhood memory to have, Dijoun! I have some intense childhood memories from the playground that we used to go near where my grandmother lived... but nothing with the intensity of an extended family gathering like that. That is a great memory to treasure, and also to share with others: thank you! :-)

  2. You are %100 correct. I absolutely love my family but it seems like to some of them family isn’t important. Some of my favorite memories were at family reunions where everyone would get together at the lake and just relax and have fun. I even remember over the years learning how to water ski and getting better every year.

    Thank you for the reminder of the little things in life.
